AMSAT Italia

Accordo ESA/ESRIN - AMSAT Italia
6 Agosto 2010
AMSAT Italia and ESA ESRIN agree the following :
- AMSAT Italia to provide to ESA well in advance the planning of radio
amatorial events between schools in Italy and other European countries and the ISS;
- AMSAT Italia to confirm the week before the final scheduling and modality of the event and to provide information about the school involved;
- AMSAT Italia to provide either the video or audio streaming during the event;
- ESA ESRIN to promote the Italian school events on the Italian section of the Portal with link to the streaming and to archive them in a relevant page;
- ESA ESRIN to inform other entities at ESA of school events in other countries for their possible usage in the relevant country pages.
- For AMSAT Italia : Francesco De Paolis - Secretary