Wednesday July 2, 2014 at 12:05 UTC, which is 14:05 local time, DLR Project Lab, Neustrelitz, Germany established an ARISS contacts with ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst KF5ONO, onboard the International Space Station. This was a direct contact performed by Amateur radio ground station DN1BV, located in the school.


 The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is one of Europe's largest and most modern research institutions. Here is where the aircraft of the future are being developed and pilots trained, rocket engines tested and images of distant planets analyzed. In addition, over 7,700 DLR staff members are investigating next-generation high-speed trains, environmentally responsible methods of generating energy, and much more ...


DLR_School_Lab Neustrelitz was opened in September 2011 at DLR in Neustrelitz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Here is where the data from various satellites are received by means of large antennas, and subsequently processed. The student lab is available for visits of one or several days by school classes from this most northerly German state and further afield.


Mentor Francesco De Paolis IKØWGF proposed to the radio coordinators Wolfgang Andree DH5NA and Ingo Goltz DL1BLV to support the direct contact by Telebridge Station IK1SLD and this was accepted. About 100 students, parents, visitors and media attended the event at contact site.


Contact was established with OR4ISS at 12:05 UTC, which is 14:05 CEST local time. Astronaut Alexander Gerst KF5ONO answered 15 questions asked by students. Signals from the ISS were loud and clear during all ISS pass.


N3 TV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Regional Television, local media and newspapers covered the event.

Streaming video on:


The video of the contact is available here:


The event was announced on DLR Portal:


Congratulations to ARISS DLR Team and IK1SLD Team!




Francesco De Paolis, IKØWGF

ARISS Mentor

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