Successful Combined Direct and telebridge Contact with S.A.M.T., Canobbio, Switzerland
The S.A.M.T. (Scuola Arti Mestieri Trevano) school for
multimedia electronics operates in the fields of electronics and computer
technology (audio and video devices, computer
science, telecommunications, etc.). The AFC (certificate of professional
capacity) and the school’s technical
qualifications certificate enable students to access university studies in the
fields of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Technology.
Mentor Francesco De Paolis IKØWGF proposed to the
Radio Contact coordinator a combined direct and telebridge
contact, in order to overcome the problem of local antenna obscuration in Canobbio. Mr. Ferruccio Albizzati HB9MZI, coordinating the event, agreed and set up
the station for a combined direct and telebridge. The
questions were read by students at school. More than 150 students, parents,
visitors and media attended the event (indirect attendance about 750 people).
The contact was established per telebridge via
IK1SLD, then HB9OK took over and finally IK1SLD ended the QSO per telebridge. Contact was established at 07.17 UTC, 09.17 local time, with IRØISS. Astronaut Luca Parmitano answered 14 questions and exchanged greetings before
LOS. After third answer, Astronaut Luca Parmitano
requested back-up channel due interference from the earth. Signal from the ISS
was loud and clear during the entire pass.
National Television, local media and newspapers covered the event.
Streaming video counted more than 100 connections on
Congratulations to HB9OK and IK1SLD Teams!
Francesco De Paolis, IKØWGF
ARISS Mentor