Wednesday June 26, ARISS contact scheduled with school in Zagreb, Croatia.


An International Space Station school contact is scheduled with participants at  Ruder Boskovic Technical School, Zagreb, Croatia. The event is to begin at approximately 17:31 UTC, which is 19:31 CEST.


This will be a direct contact operated by 9A1A.


Interested parties are invited to listen to the downlink signals on 145.800 MHz FM. The downlink signals will be audible over Europe.


The event will be webstreamed on:


School presentation:


Ruder Boskovic Technical School in Zagreb is a secondary school with more then a sixty year tradition. Since it was founded in 1948, it has been one of the highest rated schools in northwestern part of Croatia, on the present county of Grad Zagreb.  It was named in honour to famous Croatian 18th century mathematician, astronomer, physicist, philosopher and theologian Ruder Boskovic who was born in Dubrovnik.


The school building is situated in southeastern industrial part of the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. There are many classrooms.  Several well equipped computer rooms, specialized rooms, workshops, a library, a canteen, gym and sports playgrounds on the school grounds.  There are 44 classes devided in 4 grades and 4 school educational programs : IT technician,electronics technician, mechatronics technician and optician.  There are approximately 1.100 students aged 15 to 19, and more then 110 professors.


The school principal is Mrs Durdica Fustar, a physics and chemistry professor. The students have achieved many excellent results in different levels of competitions, fairs and exhibitions in fields of innovation, youth technical creativity, IT, electrical engineering, mechatronics, mathematics, physics, foreign languages and sports. A lot of humanitarian work has been performed, as well as blood donating actions, which have been successfully organized in the School for more then thirty years.


Since this school year, 1st year students have been given an opportunity to attend elective subjects of mathematics and renewable energy sources, whereas 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders have had a wider choice   of elective subjects, like as art of communicating, physics, English, technical drawing and constructing, ecology and web design.


As for extracurricular activities, there is the RUDER INFO school newspaper group, INDUSTRIJSKA ZONA drama group, RUDER esthetical – ecological group, TEACHER’S LITTLE MISTAK school band, RUDER innovator’s club, RUDER student’s cooperative, RUDER photo movie club and RUDERASICE female dance group.


High quality in all educational programs is ensured not only for numerous elective subjects and extracurricular activities, but also by tutorials for weaker students, which results in successful placement of former students on labor market, as well as enrollment in higher educational institutions, i.e. colleges and universities.


For many years, our best final year students have been granted automatic enrollment in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, both institutions of the University of Zagreb, which ranks the School among the best vocational schools in Republic of Croatia. This has also been officialy confirmed through many awards, commendations and decorations received from many technical and civil societies and institutions.


Since January 2013 the school has an amateur radio station with call sign 9A1RBZ. Students who passed exam in December 2012 are active on the club station.  Their mentors are members of Hrvatski DX Klub, 9A1A.


The conversation with the astronaut will be conducted in English. Students will ask as many of  following questions as time allows:


1. Ivan: How do you get  to the ISS? How long does the trip last to get  there?


2. Matija: How long does the austronaut training program last? Is it difficult?


3. Marija: How long do the preparations for launching into the space last?


4. Ilija: How long do space missions on the ISS last?


5. Willi: Is it difficult to operate a spacecraft like the ISS?


6. Kristijan: How do you get enough water and electricity supply in the ISS?


7. Roberta: How do you sleep in the ISS and have you got your own beds?


8. Jura: What do you eat and what is your diet like? Is there a diet plan?


9. Martin. How do you practice personal hygiene?


10. Eugen: How does your body withstand a long stay on the ISS?


11. Mihaela: How long does it take to orbit the Earth once?


12. Marko: How do you move the ISS when some space garbage is approaching you?


13. Dinko: How often do you contact your family and in what ways?


14. Ervin: What kind of medical treatment  do you receive  when you get sick?


15. Josip: What is the procedure in case of a solar storm?


16. Antonio: How do you make outdoor repairs on the ISS?


17. Luka: What is your favorite free-time activity?


18. Josip: What do you miss  most in the outer space?


19. Kristijan: What is the most beautiful or inspiring thing you have seen in space?


20. Bernard: Would you like to be on the first human spacecraft dispatched to Mars?


21. Tomislav: What do you do in dangerous situations, for example when bigger meteorites approach the ISS?


22. Josip: How do you return to Earth after your mission has finished?


23. Robert: Do you ever feel desire to return home?


24. Kristijan: What is the most difficult thing to get used to when you arrive at the ISS?


25. Tomislav: How long can a human stay in space?


26. Petar: What is the temperature inside and outside the ISS? 


27. Antonio: Is it difficult to operate such valuable equipment?


28. Karlo: Is it difficult to be an astronaut?


ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.


ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.




Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS Chairman