ARISS contact planned for school in France


Thursday 09 June 2011 at 09.09 UTC, which is 11.09 CEST, an ARISS contact is planned with Lycée européen Charles de Gaulle, Dijon, France.


The european secondary school Charles De Gaulle is located in Dijon, region of Burgundy, France. Dijon is famous for mustard, wine, and his architecture.


A lot of languages are taught in the european Charles De Gaulle College: English, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Arabic.


The President Charles De Gaulle started cooperation between France and USSR by the creation of the scadron Normandie-Niemen during Second world war. After that, in 1966, De Gaulle initiated the first spatial partnership between USSR and an occidental country: lunar exploration, Saliut, Soyuz, Mir… That’s why our european school is especially interested by Russia. Many students (15-18 years old) study Russian language. Each year, there are school exchanges with Russia.


Since 2010, biology is taught in Russian in Charles De Gaulle College. In 2011, the students presented an exhibition for the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s space flight. Now, they are impatiently waiting for the ARISS radio contact.


The radio contact will be a telebridge operated by VK4KHZ, located in Glenden, Queensland, Australia.


The audio of the contact will probably be distributed by EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377) and JK1ZRW (node 277 208) Conference servers, as well as by IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.


The conversation will be in Russian.


Students will ask as many of following questions as time allows:


1. Héloïse: What does the Earth look like, seen from the ISS ?

2. Edouard: When and why did you decided to become an astronaut ?           

3. Marion: In which language are you talking in ISS ?

4. Arthur: How did you trained before your flight ?

5. Pauline: Have you contacts with your family while you are on orbit ?

6. Lucile: What do you eat and drink on orbit ?

7. Sandra: What is an ordinary day on ISS ?

8. Karolina: What are you doing when you don’t work ?

9. Marie-Anaïs: How do you sleep in Space ?

10. Edouard: Who is Gagarine for you ?

11. Héloïse: What was your most emotional  moment in the Space ?

12. Arthur: Your father  is an astronaut, do you want your son becomes an astronaut too ?

13. Marion: Where does the oxygen come from in the ISS ? 

14. Pauline: What is the first thing you wish do after your flight?

15. Sandra: What changes in your body in microgravity ?

16. Karolina: Are the effects of pollution on Earth visible from space ?

17. Marie-Anaïs: What will you miss most from space when you’ll be back on Earth ?

18. Edouard: What is your opinion on transforming the ISS into a space tourism facility?

19. Héloïse: What was the most difficult in Soyuz ?

20. Marion: I want to be an astronaut. Which advices could you give me ?


ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.


ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.




Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS Chairman