ESA Astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA sets an ARISS milestone


After spending 157 days aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 27 Commander Dmitry Kondratyev and Flight Engineers Cady Coleman and Paolo Nespoli landed safely in Kazakhstan Monday, May 23 2011.

Expedition 26/27 established a new ARISS record, working 77 schools in 68 radio contacts during the mission. Paolo Nespoli answered questions of students from 45 different schools, setting a new ARISS record for a single astronaut.

But Paolo Nespoli did more. He managed 13 double contacts, continuing the dialogue with the students during the following orbit. This was his initiative, a proof of his interest in educational outreach. During the ARISS contacts with the schools (Italian and other) Paolo Nespoli established a very special relationship with all participants who perceived his enthusiasm and his engagement to do ARISS contacts and to establish a dialogue with the young generation. Paolo did a great job as radio amateur and communicator.

This is an outstanding example of passion and enthusiasm for ARISS activities on behalf of an astronaut attentive to the educational objectives of the ARISS program and demonstrating the possibilities of amateur radio.

December 21, 2010 Paolo Nespoli celebrated the 10th anniversary of the first ARISS School Contact, addressing his greetings to the ARISS Community and wishing us a Happy Birthday. Please see:

ESA Astronaut Paolo Nespoli conducted many contacts with Italian schools, supported by an agreement between ESA/ESRIN and AMSAT Italia. Each school contact was announced by web story on ESA Portal - National News.

Almost all Nespoli events with Italian schools were broadcast over the Internet by live streaming video on AMSAT Italia video channel:



Francesco De Paolis – IK0WGF

ARISS mentor