Saturday, 07 May, 2011 at 11:04 UTC, which is
13.04 local time, "Mattei" Technical Institute, Maglie, AND
"Guglielmo Marconi" Primary School, Casamassima, Italy, established a ARISS contact with Italian astronaut PAOLO NESPOLI, IZ0JPA
on board the International Space Station. Astronaut NESPOLI operated with the
special Italian callsign IR0ISS that he will use during his mission. This was a
direct contact by ARISS ground station IZ7RTN located in “Cittadella
Mediterranea della Scienza” University of Bari, Bari,
South Italy.
Industrial Technical Institute "E.
Mattei" in Maglie (Le) is, among the other high schools in Maglie, an
important reference point for technical-scientific studies and attracts a large
quantity of students (about 1000). Didactics in the field of
radio-telecommunications and in space research are particularly developed.
Moreover, the Industrial Technical Institute "E. Mattei", along with
other technical institutes in the area of Lecce, has participated in the
Project COSMIC RAYS that studies cosmic rays with the partner ASI - Italian
Space Agency. The purpose of this project is to offer young students the
opportunity to get involved in space studies and
to try a real aerostatic balloon launch.
The 1st Didactic Center "Marconi" in
Casamassima di Bari includes one Primary School and two Nursery Schools. There
are more than 800 students and a teaching staff of 70 teachers, directed by the
headmaster, Mrs. Rita Rosaria Gagliardi. The Primary School has multimedia and
scientific laboratories and the pupils participate in a number of projects on
Science, Music, Dance, Theatre, Physical Education and more.
ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF
proposed to radio contact coordinator in Bari a direct contact, with assistance
by ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD installed at Casale Monferrato Airport,
Piemonte, Italy. Mr. Michele Mallardi IZ7EVR, radio contact coordinator for
this ARISS event decided in favor of this setup. The questions were read by the
students at “Cittadella Mediterranea della Scienza” in
Bari where an audience of more than 250 students, teachers, visitors and media
participated to event. The signal from the ISS was not loud and clear all along
the contact.
At 11:04 UTC contact with IRØISS was
established by station IZ7RTN. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 18 questions
and greetings exchanged in closing of the contact. This was the 41th
ARISS contact by Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA. A new record of the
contacts established by astronaut during his mission.
The event was Video Streaming on:
ARISS contact was announced by web story on ESA
Portal - National News:
Congratulations to IZ7RTN, ARISS Puglia Team
and IK1SLD Team !
Francesco De Paolis,
ARISS mentor
photo 2
photo 3
audio recording