ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA will contact two schools in Italy


ARISS school contacts are planned Wednesday 6 April at approximately 07:10 UTC, which is 9.10 CEST, with Scuola Primaria III Circolo “Tiro a Segno”, Fermo, and Scuola Primaria “Viale della Vittoria”, Montecosaro, Italy.


The Primary School "Tiro a Segno" (Shooting) is located in Fermo, Marche Region, Italy. The school developed a project called "New technologies". The project aims an efficient approach to technology and the children are involved in educational research and experiments. Members of the local radio amateurs club teach the students the importance Ham Radio activities and the practice of telegraphy.


Montecosaro is a little town in the province of Macerata, in the valley of Chienti. The school "Viale della Vittoria" offers the students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge covered by the Ministerial programs and to use this knowledge for preparing a serene and conscious life. To increase the educational offer, several projects are developed, such as computer science, the game of chess engines, pottery, art and expression.


A direct radio contact is planned (I6KZR). Signals from space will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.


The event will be probably broadcast in streaming video on


Students are 6 to 10 years  old. They will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:


1. Ivan: qual e la tua missione?

2. Sara: secondo te sara possibile costruire una citta nello spazio?

3. Francesco: come e la vostra giornata sulla ISS?

4. Sofia: cosa si prova ad osservare la terra da così lontano?

5. Giada: e vero che l'unica opera umana, visibile ad occhio nudo, dallo spazio, e la grande muraglia cinese?

6. Tommaso: come si vive nello spazio

7. Andrea. In che modo comunicate con la terra?

8. Jacopo: cosa si prova a stare senza forza di gravità?

9. Enzo: come vedete i pianeti e le stelle da lassù?

10. Asya: hai mai visto altre forme di vita o navicelle non della terra?

11. Marinelda: come e nata la sua passione per lo spazio?

12. Pietro: quante missioni hai compiuto?

13. Lorenzo: come e stata la preparazione per il viaggio che sta facendo?

14. Maria: come si diventa astronauta?

15. Beatrice: quante persone viaggiano con te?

16. Matilde. come comunicate tra di voi sulla ISS?

17. Alessandra: quanto tempo durera il tuo viaggio sulla ISS?

18. Emanuele: cosa sono i moduli "nodi" e a che cosa servono?

19. Francesco: come avverra il tuo atterraggio?

20. Alessio: qual e la maggiore difficolta che si ha nel vivere nello spazio?

21. Matteo: chi comanda le operazioni della navicella?


ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.


ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.




Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS Chairman