26 March, 2010 at 08:39 UTC and 10:14, i.e. 09:39 and 11:14 local time
“Istituto Comprensivo G. Manzi” in Civitavecchia, and “Istituzione Scolalstica
Saint Roch” in Aosta, Italy, established double ARISS contact with Italian
astronaut PAOLO NESPOLI, IZ0JPA on board the International Space Station. Astronaut NESPOLI operated with the special
Italian callsign IR0ISS that he will use during his mission. The "Comprehensive Institute “G. Manzi” in Civitavecchia and the Educational Institution “Saint Roch” operated the
contact with callsign IK0WGF.
“Manzi” middle school is located in the center of Civitavecchia, a port on the
coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, not far from Rome. The “Manzi” middle school is
located in the center of Civitavecchia, a port on the coast of the Tyrrhenian
Sea, not far from Rome. The school is the seat of the Presidency and Secretariat, includes 22 classes of middle school, 9 classes
of primary school and 3 classes of kindergarten. It is attended by 500 students
and pupils aged 3 to 14. The school has a computer lab and 6 classrooms are
connected to the Internet and have a Multimedia Interactive Blackboard. The
school offers a variety of elective courses in history, geography, mathematics,
road education, computer and scientific laboratory, musical instruments and
chorus, theatre and cinema.
"Saint Roch" school in Aosta has started three years ago the
bilingual project (French and Italian) "Saint-Roch Etoiles" (SRE).
This is an educational project addressed to teachers, pupils and their families
in Aosta Valley, Italy. SRE is devoted to the study of astronomy and space
sciences, which has until now involved about 600 students from different school
levels (Infant, Primary and lower Secondary School). The project started in
2009, the International Year of Astronomy, under the patronage of the Regional
Board of Education of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley, with the collaboration
of the Fondazione Clément Fillietroz – ONLUS, managing the Astronomical
Observatory of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley (OAVdA) and the
Planetarium of Lignan.
mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF and radio contact coordinator for this
shared event in Civitavecchia and in Aosta decided to set up a direct contact
with assistance from ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD, installed at Casale
Monferrato Airport, Piemonte, Italy. The questions were read by the students at
“Autorita Portuale “ in Civitavecchia (Port authority of Rome) and “Saint Roch” school in Aosta where an audience of about 400 students,
teachers, visitors and media participated to the event. Before the contact,
ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF introduced
the event with a presentation on the ARISS project.
At 08:39 UTC, contact with IR0ISS was
established by station IK0WGF. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 13 questions
read alternately by students in Civitavecchia and in Aosta. At 10:14 UTC,
contact with IR0ISS was again established by station IK0WGF. Paolo NESPOLI
answered 21 more questions and exchanged final greetings. The ISS link was provided by IK0WGF ground station, located in Civitavecchia and connected with “Saint Roch” school per phone line, as well as by ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD.
and local media and newspapers covered the event.
video was for both contacts on:
contact was announced by web story on ESA Portal - National News:
to all ARISS teams in Aosta, Civitavecchia and IK1SLD!
De Paolis, IK0WGF
Saint Roch poster
Civitavecchia poster
Audio recording first pass
Audio recording second pass