Thursday, 17 February, 2011 at 10:33 UTC, i.e. 11:31 local time, “Claudio Varalli” and “Salvador Allende” High schools, Milano, Italy, established a ARISS contact with Italian astronaut PAOLO NESPOLI, IZ0JPA on board the International Space Station. This was a telebridge contact by ARISS ground station W5RRR, located at NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


"Varalli" is both a Technical  Touristic School and a Secondary School with an emphasis on foreign languages (Linguistic Liceo). The school is inside the Campus of Puecher Centre in the south part of Milan. During the five years course the students attend the study of English, French, German and Spanish languages. Technical Tourist School has 474 student while Linguistic Liceo has 174 student. For the school year 2010/2011 the school is planning the formation of 34 classes. Besides curricular activities, the students of the school attend meeting, seminars, conferences, visits, theatrical performances and exhibition.

The school has a Radio Club Station with official call IZ2SHS, useful also for language training.


The School for Secondary Education “Salvador Allende” is located in a vast and well-equipped Campus in the south of Milan. It includes three different courses of study: secondary school with an emphasis on sciences (Scientific Liceo), secondary school with an emphasis on humanities (Classics Liceo) and technical high school for accounting. Sciences, foreign languages (both classical and modern) and technologies are fundamental features of the school and great attention is paid to the cultural and scientific education of the students who can attend several extra-curricular activities according to their interests: lectures and seminars, theatre performances, internships with companies or laboratories, study tours, exhibitions. The total number of students is over 900 divided into 45 classes, with approximately 100 teachers.


ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF proposed to Mr. Stefano Bertone, coordinator for this ARISS event a telebridge contact. The questions were read by the students at schools in Milano where an audience of more than 100 students, teachers, visitors and media assisted to the contact.


At 10:33 UTC contact with NA1SS was established by station W5RRR. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 16 questions. The signal from the ISS was not loud and clear all the time during the pass, due momentary (1 minute) issue to tracking system.


Regional and local media and newspapers covered the event.


Streaming video counted about 30 connections on:


ARISS contact was announced by web story on ESA Portal - National News:


Congratulations to “Varalli” and “Allende” team!




Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF

ARISS mentor


Audio recording