ARISS School Contact planned with school in Norway


An ARISS School Contact is planned for Lillestrom videregaende skole, Lillestrom, N-2001, Norway, Friday 11 February 2011 at 12:48:26 UTC , which is 13:48:26 CEWT.


Lillestrom Videregaende Skole (Lillestrom Upper Secondary School) is an institution in its region. The school was founded in 1884 and has developed into a modern, highly esteemed theoretical school (tertiary college) offering 16 – 19 year-olds a wide range of  alternatives within social sciences, natural sciences and languages. The school is basically a traditional grammar school, but over the last 15 years two popular branches, media and music/dance/drama, have been added. Lillestrom videregaende skole offers IB (International Baccalaureate). We promote ourselves as a modern school specializing in natural sciences.


The staff  counts 130 teachers and administrative personnel. Approximately 800 students attend Lillestrom videregaende skole.


The school is located in the township of Lillestrom app. 12 miles north of Oslo and 20 miles from Oslo Airport Gardermoen. It is thus centrally located with first-rate communications.


The region is a research and scientific hub with two of the nation’s most distinguished scientific institutions as well as a university branch, all located  close to the school. Over a number of years Lillestrom videregaende skole has enjoyed a rewarding and close cooperation  with these institutions,  It may also be of interest that Norway’s oldest Air Force Base; Kjeller, is situated nearby.


The planned ARISS contact is a telebridge operated by W5RRR and it will be conducted in Norwegian.


The audio will be available on EchoLink AMSAT Conference and possibly IRLP reflector 9010.


Students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:


1. Kosalai: Hva er hensikten med ISS? Hva haper dere a finne ut?


2.  Karolina: Hvilke eksperimenter foregar pa romstasjonen na for tiden?


3. Stian: Hvilke forberedelser gjor dere for en tur til romstasjonen?


4. Simen: Hva gjor dere utenom arbeid nar dere er pa romstasjonen?


5. Maren: Vi leste at det blir forsket paa blant annet medisin og psykologi pa romstasjonen, hvorfor og hvordan?


6. Oda:  Hvordan er samarbeidet mellom astronautene fra de ulike landene?


7. Hannah: Hvordan var det a feire jul i rommet?


8. Sole: Pa hvilken mate vil dere bruke informasjonen og erfaringene dere far i forhold til fremtidig forskning og utvikling av ny teknologi?


9. Silje: Far du muligheten til a holde kontakten med familien din?


10. Rikke: Hvordan er det a være den eneste kvinnelige astronauten pa romstasjonen?


11. Kosalai: Har du noen gang vært redd nar du har vært pa romstasjonen? Hvorfor/Hvorfor ikke?


12. Karolina: Hvordan far dere oksygen i rommet?


13. Stian: Hva er fordelene og ulempene ved a dra ut til rommet? Du har vært der i over en maned, angrer du noen ganger?


14. Simen: Hva var din første erfaring med å være vektløs?


15. Maren: Hva er den storste forskjellen pa livet pa jorden og livet pa ISS?


16. Oda: Hvordan gjor dere daglidagse gjoremal som spising, trening og toalettbesok?


17. Hannah: Hvor lenge er dere pa romstasjonen om gangen?


18. Sole: Hvordan er det a sove vektlos?


19. Silje: Hvordan er dere beskyttet fra straling fra solen?


20. Rikke: Liker du maten dere spiser?



ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.


ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.




Gaston Bertels – ON4WF

ARISS Chairman