November 27, 2010
Wednesday , 24 November, 2010 at 11:17 UTC, i.e. 12:17 local time, “Istituto Leopardi – Liceo classico e scientifico”, Lecco, Italy, established a combined
telebridge and direct contact with US astronaut
DOUG WHEELOCK, KF5BOC onboard the International Space Station.
The “Istituto Leopardi – Liceo classico e scientifico” operated a direct contact
with callsign IZ2PWX, but suffered from antenna obscurations.
Therefore, assistance
was provided by Amateur Radio station IK1SLD, in Casale
Monferrato, Piemonte,
Italy. IK1SLD was candidate ARISS telebridge ground
station and the contact was its validation.
The "Leopardi"
Institute includes a scientific and a classic liceum.
The school is located in the upper part of Lecco
city. An amateur radio station was installed in the school, and the authorities
granted the call sign to be used for the ARISS contact. Students and teachers share
their interest for space science with experts of “ISAA” (Italian Space and
Astronautics Association), established in Lecco. The
students were involved in the preparation of this ARISS event in different
ways. The training of the students comprised educative activities related to
space, under guidance of the teachers’ team, such as listening to ARISS
contacts during the months before the ARISS event.
ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis,
IK0WGF proposed to the radio contact coordinator in Lecco
to share the contact with another ground station, in order to overcome the
problem of local antenna obscurations in Lecco. Gianpietro Ferrario IZ2GOJ, contact coordinator for this ISS contact,
decided for a combined direct and telebridge contact.
The questions were read by the students at “Liceo Leopardi”, the main contact site where
over 200 students, teachers, visitors and media could follow the contact.
Before the contact, ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF introduced
the event by teleconference.
The contact was established by IK1SLD, then IZ2PWX took over and finally IK1SLD ended the QSO. At 11:17
UTC, contact with OR4ISS was established by station IK1SLD. Commander DOUG
WHEELOCK answered 6 questions per telebridge. At
11:21 UTC, contact with OR4ISS was established by station IZ2PWX. Commander DOUG WHEELOCK answered 5 questions per
direct contact. At 14:24 UTC, contact with OR4ISS was re-established by station
IK1SLD and Commander DOUG WHEELOCK answered 2 more questions per telebridge. The signal from the ISS was loud and clear all
time. At the beginning of the contact, the astronaut was greeted by an American
teacher of the Liceum.
Regional Television, local media and newspapers
covered the event.
Streaming video counted more than 100 connections on
This ARISS contact was announced by a web story
on ESA Portal - National News:
Congratulations to both ARISS “IZ2PWX” and
“IK1SLD” teams!
De Paolis, IK0WGF
ARISS mentor