October 18,
Expedition 20 ARISS school contact is planned for ISS Commander Frank De Winne
with participants at College d'Enseignement Moyen IV,
MBOUR College (80 km South of Dakar) was built in 1996, on a
property of about 30.000 m2, located at 300 meters from the ocean. There are
964 students in 2008/2009, aged 12 - 16 years,
70 to 80 students per class.
College is a reference for THIES academie (among the three
first). The college has multifunctional sports ground for soccer, handball,
basketball, gymnastics...
Educative projects :
Informatics with computer room, sponsored by German partners (O.N.G.FATOU) -
about 20 computers and one server, with ADSL Internet connection.
Family Education Club (E.V.F.) : members cultivate a "botanic garden"
(200 m2), with medicinal plants, which are distributed to the families.
Science Club, is always looking for projects and very enthousiastic about the
ARISS programme.
This direct
contact is scheduled on Friday 23 October at approximately
The audio
will expectedly be distributed on *AMSAT* and *JK1ZRW* EchoLink servers.
will ask as many of following questions as time allows:
1. Madick.
Combien de personnes vivent sur l'ISS et dans quelle langue parlez-vous?
How many people are living on the ISS and which language do
you speak?
2. Anta.
Quels types de problemes risquez-vous de rencontrer sur l'ISS?
What kind of problems do you have to face on the ISS?
3. Adama.
Avez-vous des animaux domestiques sur l'ISS?
Do you have domestic animals on the ISS?
4. Ahmadou.
Quelles etudes faut-il faire pour devenir astronaute?
Which kind of studies are
needed to become an astronaut?
5. Adama.
De quoi vous nourrissez-vous?
What do you eat?
6. Pape. Vue
de l'espace, la lune parait-elle differente que vue de la terre?
As seen from space, is the Moon looking different as seen from
the Earth?
7. Francis.
Quelles planetes voyez-vous depuis l'ISS?
Which planets do you see from the ISS?
8. Anta.
Comment faites-vous pour dormir dans l'espace?
How do you manage to sleep in space?
9. Khadim.
Comment differenciez-vous le jour de la nuit?
How do you recognize day from night?
10. Khadim.
Vous arrive-t-il de sortir de la station spatiale?
Do you sometimes go out of the space station?
Gilbert. Faites-vous du sport?
Do you practice sport?
Francis. Voyez-vous passer des cometes et des meteores?
Do you see comets and meteors crossing?
13. Arame.
Quel type d'experience faites-vous?
Which kind of experiments do you do?
Ahmadou. Eprouvez-vous des difficultes avec l'impesanteur?
Do you experience difficulties with weighlessness?
15. Fatou.
Avez-vous deja croise des satellites?
Did you happen to get near a satellite?
16. Demba.
Quelle est votre mission personnelle a bord de l'ISS?
What is your personal mission aboard the ISS?
Gilbert. Regardez-vous la television et ecoutez-vous la radio?
Do you look at television and listen to radio?
18. Yahya.
Quand il y a urgence, comme faites-vous pour soigner ou operer une personne
In case of emergency, how do you attend or operate a sick
Rosalie. Comment faites-vous votre toilette a bord de l'ISS?
How do you make your toilet aboard the ISS?
20. Fatou.
Comment faites-vous pour cuisiner et manger?
How do you cook food and take your meals?
Rosalie. Sentez-vous vos mouvements lorsque vous vous deplacez?
Do you feel your movements when you move?
22. Madick.
Est-ce que, comme sur la terre, vous avez l'eau au robinet?
Do you have water from the tab, like on Earth?
23. Arame.
comment vous sentez-vous lorsque vous redescendez sur terre?
How do you feel when you come back to Earth?
ARISS is an international educational outreach program
partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA,
CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating
ARISS offers
an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by
talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities
see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.
Bertels - ON4WF
ARISS Chairman