An International Space Station ARISS contact has been
planned with students at Space Expo, Noordwijk, the
This is a regular ARISS
contact arranged for Delta Researcher Schools every year as part of the
commitment to DRS that ESA has entered into during the time of Andre Kuipers
Delta Mission to the ISS. This agreement was made between The Ministry of
Education in the
It is based around the model of the NASA Explorer schools.
The children come from Delta
schools all over the
The children are from 10-12
years old from upper primary school level. 3 children from each school will be
attending and there are 12 schools represented on this day. 12 of the children
will be trained before hand to ask the questions which this time will be in
Dutch.They will each ask the question that won them the place at this event.
There will be a short
presentation to the children explaining to them the concept of remote
communication and ham radio by an ARISS expert. There will also be information
about Frank De Winne and footage of his activities on board the ISS as well as
information about the ISS. These children have been involved in learning about
the ISS and Human spaceflight as part of their
The contact
is scheduled on Friday 18 September at
The contact
will be a telebridge operated by VK4KHZ, in
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Nick. Hoe zit het met het besturen van het
ruimteschip? Hebben jullie een stuur ?
How is the spaceship steered? Do you have a steering
2. Hoe worden meningverschillen aan boord opgelost?
How do you resolve differences of opinion onboard?
3. Merle. Waarom zijn ruimtepakken altijd wit?
Why are space suits always white?
4. Nynke. Als je moet huilen, komen er dan tranen of
bubbels (bellen) uit je ogen?
When you cry in space will your tears come out as
bubbles from your eyes?
5. Floor. Kunt u vanaf uw ruimtestation Nederland en
België zien?
Can you see the
6. Fabienne. Wat gaat u doen als u zich verveelt?
What do you do
when you are bored?
7. Willem. U bent heel lang in de ruimte. Hoe gaat het
afval weg?
You are a long time in space. How do you get rid of
your waste (rubbish)?
What is your favourite food on earth and in space?
9. Anna-Flor. Wat neemt u mee de ruimte in dat niet
direct nodig is?
What do you take to space that you don’t really need?
10. Emily. Is het nodig om proeven in de ruimte te
doen, kan dat niet gewoon op aarde?
Is it necessary to do tests in space that you can just
do on earth?
11. Jamylee. Als er zich plotseling een noodsituatie
voordoet, hoe worden jullie dan gered?
If there is suddenly an emergency, how can you be
12. Emma. Heeft u wel eens iets belangrijks ontdekt in
de ruimte? Zo ja, wat?
Have you discovered something really important in
space? If so, what?
13. Daniel. Is er daar in de ruimte een klok? En op
welke tijd loopt die klok?
Is there a clock in space? On what time does it run?
14. Hoe zien astronauten of er ruimteschroot in de baan
van de ISS aanwezig is? Welke maatregelen worden genomen om een botsing te
How do astronauts see if there are space debris in the
path of the ISS what measures are taken to prevent a collision?
15. Renske. Hoe krijg je licht in de ruimte?
How do you get light in space?
16. Reinate. Heb je in de ruimte ook verschil tussen
dag en nacht?
Is there a difference in day and night in space?
17. Eveline. Wat is er anders dan tijdens uw eerste
bezoek aan het ISS?
What is different from your first visit on the ISS?
18. Isabelle. U moet in ISS allerlei experimenten doen
die van tevoren zijn afgesproken. Als u nu ineens een geweldig experiment in
ISS bedenkt, mag u dat dan stiekem uitvoeren? Of is dat onmogelijk?
You have to do all sorts of experiments that are
previously agreed on the ISS. If a fantastic idea comes to mind would you run
this experiment secretly or is that impossible?
is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating
space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the
AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.
offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur
Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space
Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio
and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology
and learning.
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Chairman