September 13, 2009


An International Space Station ARISS contact has been planned with 10 to 14 year old students at the Euro Space Center, Transinne, Belgium on 16 September 2009. Approximately 500 youngsters from different schools in the French part of Belgium come together with astronauts, cosmonauts and a taikonaut who participate to the "Belgian Space Week 2009" from 14 to 18 September.


Theme of the event  in the Euro Space Center is Life in Space. Students hope to be able to talk to the Belgian ESA astronaut Frank De Winne and ask him questions about his life in the International Space Station and about his experience as UNICEF ambassador.


The contact is scheduled on Wednesday 16 September at 07:12 UTC, which is 09:12 CEST.

The contact will be a telebridge operated by W6SRJ in California.. The audio will be distributed on EchoLink  *AMSAT* and *JK1ZRW* servers.  

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:


1. Quelle a été votre plus belle expérience pendant la Mission OasISS?

What was the most important experiment you made during the OasISS Mission?

2. Qu'est-ce qui vous plaît le plus dans votre travail d'astronaute?

What is the best in your work as an astronaut?

3. Avez-vous toujours eu envie de devenir astronaute?

Was it always your first whish to become an astronaut?

4. Quelles expériences européennes ont actuellement lieu sur l'ISS?

What European experiments are you currently conducting on the ISS?

5. Etes-vous en contact vocal avec les équipes au sol pendant vos expériences à bord?

When you operate experiments, do you have real time voice contact with the ground team?

6. Quels objets personnels vous manquent le plus?

What kind of personal items which you could not take to the ISS do you miss most?

7. Votre temps libre est-il aussi important pour vous à bord qu'il l'est sur terre?

Is your leisure time as important for you on board as it is on earth?

8. Quelle est la première chose que vous comptez faire quand vous rentrerez? 

What's the first thing you'll do when you are back home?

9. La réalité de la vie à bord de l'ISS est-elle différente de ce que vous en attendiez?

Is life onboard the ISS different from what you expected?

10. Combien de temps faut-il pour s'habituer à la vie à bord?

 When arriving on the ISS, how long does it take to become familiar with the station?

11. Prenez-vous vos repas ensemble, à heure fixe?

Do you take your meals together, on schedule?


12. Quelle est votre musique préférée et écoutez-vous souvent de la musique à bord?

What kind of music is your favourite and do you often listen to some music on the ISS?

13. Comment répartissez-vous les tâches pour le nettoyage de la station spatiale?

How do you distribute duties for the cleaning up of the space station?

14. La microgravité est-elle relaxante? Est-ce agréable?

Does zero gravity relax the body? Is zero gravity fun?

15. Avez-vous aperçu des traces de météorites du côté nocturne de la terre, pendant les pluies de météorites?

While on the night side of the earth, have you ever seen meteorites tracks during meteorite showers?

16. Quels détails pouvez-vous discerner sur terre, par exemple des feux de forêts?

What details can you recognize on earth, e.g. can you see forest fires from space?

17. Les astronautes à bord de l'ISS travaillent-ils pendant les weekends?

Do astronauts onboard the ISS work during weekends?

18. Ya-t-il à bord de l'ISS un côté gauche et un côté droit, un plafond et un plancher? Est-il difficile de garder son orientation?  

Do you have a right and a left side on board, do you have a  ceiling and a floor? Is it difficult to keep the orientation inside the ISS?

19. Après quelques semaines à bord, le travail devient-il routinier?

When you have been on the ISS for a few weeks, is the job becoming routine?

20. Avec les équipements qui fonctionnent en permanence, l'environnement est-il bruyant à bord de l'ISS?

With all the life support and station equipment operating, is it noisy onboard the ISS?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.


Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS Chairman