September 6, 2009


An Expedition 20 ARISS school contact is planned for Frank De Winne, ON1DWN with UNICEF World Classes at Euro Space Center, Belgium. The contact is scheduled on Thursday 10 September 2009 at 09:55 UTC, which is 11:55 CEST.

The contact will be a telebridge operated by LU1CGB in Argentina. The audio will be distributed on EchoLink  *AMSAT* and *JK1ZRW* servers and on IRLP Discovery Channel 9010. 

UNICEF Belgium will launch by the 25th of September their new educative campaign: WaSH. To promote this event the organization has organized a big drawing contest. It has been asked to the world classes willing to participate to imagine a WaSH logo and to include with it an important message about water and the needs to protect it. Three classes have been selected.


The students and their teachers will spend a day in the Euro Space Center where they will discover what it takes to become an astronaut and also the new WaSH campaign of UNICEF Belgium. Frank DeWinne is the godfather of this campaign. The classes will have an ARISS contact with him. This contact will be the opportunity for these children to establish a link between the WaSH campaign and its godfather and to understand that space research is important also to help improve water access for humanity.


Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:


1. Est-il dur de rester 6 mois loin de votre famille et de vos amis?

Is it hard to stay away from your family and friends for six months?

2. Quelle est la procédure en cas d'urgence médicale? Etes-vous préparé pour cela?

What is the procedure in case of a medical urgency? Have you been prepared for such a contingency?

3. Dans le domaine médical, quelles experiences faites-vous durant votre séjour dans la Station Spatiale?

What kind of experiments do you perform in the medical field during your mission?

4. Quelles sont les expériences que vous avez préparées pendant votre entraînement?

Which experiments did you prepare during your training?

5. Est-il possible d'emmagasiner, lors de l'entraînement, toutes les données nécessaires pour une mission de 6 mois?

Is it feasible, during training, to store all data needed for a six months mission?

6. Est-il possible de tout savoir sur des expériences scientifiques pour une si longue periode?

Is it possible to get a complete knowledge of scientific experiments covering so long a time?

7. L'entraînement pour un long sejour est-il différent de celui d'une courte mission?

Is trainig for a long duration mission different from training for a short mission?

8. Avez-vous eu une préparation psychologique pour votre longue mission?

Did you get a psychological preparation for your long mission?

9. Y a-t-il des animaux dans la Station Spatiale?

Are there animals on the Space Station?

10. Quel est le but d'envoyer des animaux dans la Station Spatiale?

What is the purpose of sending animals to the Space Station?

11. Les animaux doivent-ils subir des tests avant de partir?

Do animals undergo tests before launch?

12. Quelles sont vos principales craintes lors d'un sejour dans l'espace?

What do you fear most during a space mission?

13. Le programme de la mission est-il été entièrement défini avant le début?

Was the mission programme completely defined before it started?

14. Ferez-vous une EVA lors de votre mission?

Will you perform an EVA during your mission?

15. Allez-vous realiser des expériences en rapport avec une future mission vers Mars?

Will you perform experiments related to a future Mars mission?

16. Allez-vous realiser des experiences en rapport avec l'écologie?

Will you perform experiments related to ecology?

17. Pensez-vous qu'il est possible de voyager vers les autres planètes?
Do you think that traveling to other planets is possible?

18.  Quelle est votre planète préférée?

What is your favourite planet?


19. Voyez-vous tourner la Terre depuis les hublots de la Station Spatiale?

Do you see the Earth rotating when looking through the windows of the Space Station?

20. Pourquoi avez-vous été choisi pour une longue mission dans la Station Spatiale?

Why were you selected for a long duration mission to the Space Station?


ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.


Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS Chairman