September 2, 2009




An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Sästraskolan, Skärholmen, Sweden, on Sunday 6 September 2009. The contact is scheduled at 19:25 UTC, which is 21:25 CEST. 


The contact will be a telebridge. ARISS groundstation LU8YY, located in Argentina, will establish the radio link with the ISS. Swedish astronaut Christel Fuglesang will answer questions from students in Swedish.


The ARISS contact will be distributed on EchoLink *AMSAT* and *JK1ZRW* conference servers, as well as on IRLP Discovery Channel 9010.


Sätraskolan is located in Skärholmen in the Southern part of Stockholm.


The school has children from preschool to 9th grade with about 550 students and 100 employees. For the past year, the school has been engulfed in a real space fever. For the upcoming event, more than 1000 questions where submitted. This says quite a lot about the level of motivation from students and teachers alike. This is also reflected in the slogan selected for the event “Sätraskolan; skolan som siktar högre” (Sätraskolan; the school which aims higher)


Participants will ask as many of following questions as time allows.


1. Lovisa: My bean plants twist themselves around bamboo sticks. How would they behave in space?  Mina bönplantor slingrar sig runt bambukäppar. Hur skulle de bete sig i rymden?


2. Elin: Isn’t it very bad for the environment to travel to space?

Är det inte mycket miljöförstöring att åka till rymden?


3. Akkis: I saw am film where a flag was waving on the moon. How could it be waving if there is no air?

Jag såg en film där en flagga vajade på månen. Hur kunde den vaja om det inte finns någon luft?


4. Johannes: Can a hairdryer work in space?

Kan en hårtork fungera I rymden?


5. David: How can the space station stay attached (to space)?

Hur kan rymdstationen sitta fast? (i rymden)


6. Abraham: Why doesn’t the space shuttle start like an aircraft?

Varför startar inte rymdfärjan som ett flygplan?


7. Afrodite: When you are in space, does it feel like slow-motion?

När man är ute I rymden, känns det som att det är slowmotion?


8. Isam: Can you see the atmosphere around earth when you look down at it?

Ser man atmosfären runt jorden när man kollar ner på den?


9. Gerges: Do you turn red in the face when you are upside down in space?

Blir man röd I ansiktet när man hamnar upp och ner I rymden?


10. David: Do you sometimes get angry with each other in space?

Blir ni osams någon gång i rymden?


11. Cawo: How does it fell coming back to earth after having been weightless?

Hur känns det när man kommer till jorden efter att inte ha vägt någonting?


12. Jonathan:  Can you feel that your muscles get shorter/that you get weaker?

Känner man att musklerna blir mindre/att man blir svagare?


13. Natalie: Have you seen a rainbow in space?

Har du sett en regnbåge I rymden?


14. Zhiwar: Can you survive without clothes in space even though you get oxygen?

Kan man klara sig ute I rymden utan kläder fastän man får luft?


15. Akram: Do you grow anything on the ISS?

Odlar ni något på ISS?


16. Udanbor: Is it cold in space? Do you freeze when you go for a spacewalk?

Är det kallt i rymden? Fryser du när du går på rymdpromenad?


17. Elias: How can you known when it’s day or night?

Hur kan man veta när det är dag eller natt?


18. Sarhad: When you drink, will the water float like a bubble inside your stomach?

När du dricker, kommer vattnet att flytta runt som en bubbla I din mage?


19. Julia: Is the food better in space or on earth?

Är maten godare I rymden eller på jorden?


20. Ronia: Do you eat a lot in space?

Äter man mycket i rymden?



ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.


ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.




Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS Chairman