July 07, 2009



An Expedition 20 ARISS school contact has been planned with participants at Technopolis, Mechelen, Belgium. The event is scheduled on Saterday 11 July 2009 at approximately 12:35 UTC, which is 14:35  CEST.

The contact will be a telebridge between onboard station NA1SS and LU8YY, located in
Argentina. The participants are expected to conduct the conversation in Dutch.

Downlink signals will be audible over Southern South America on 145.800 MHz FM.

ARISS VOIP coordinator Graham Lawton G7EVY will distribute the radiocontact over *AMSAT* and *JK1ZRW* Conference nodes.

Technopolis is a permanent platform for science and technology in Mechelen, Flanders, Belgium.  The mission of Technopolis® is to bring science and technology to the people. For this purpose Technopolis® offers permanent and temporary exhibitions, organises workshops, school activities and other outreach activities for 4 to 99 years old : a Science Week and Science Festival, an annual exhibition at the Royal Palace in Brussels and many activities for a variety of organisations (governmental, private and educational). Technopolis® is also involved in a broad range of European projects to promote science and technology to a broad audience.

Participant students will ask as much of following questions as time allows:

1. Hoe wordt bij jullie koffie gezet?
How do you make coffee in the ISS?

2. Hoe komt het dat wanneer je met een raket door de ozonlaag vliegt dat er geen gat ontstaat in de ozonlaag maar dan wel door bepaalde gassen?
What is the reason that a rocket doesn't make a hole in the ozone layer and certain gasses do? 

3. Wat als 驮 van de astronauten erg ziek zou worden of in het ergste geval wat als er iemand zou sterven ?
What if one of the astronauts gets very sick our in the worst case even dies?

4. Hoe landt een raket?
How does a rocket touch down?

5. Hoe krijgen de astronauten in het ISS verse zuurstof?
How do astronauts get fresh oxygen in the ISS?

6. Weerklinkt er in de ruimte ook een echo?
Is there an echo in space too?

7. Kan je de gevolgen van de opwarming van de aarde zien vanuit het ISS? Is er een verandering aan onze aarde tegen uw vorige bezoek aan de ruimte?
Can you see the effects of global warming from the ISS, and do you see a difference compared with your previous visit?

8. Hoe lang mag je slapen en mag je ook eens uitslapen?
How long are you allowed to sleep and can you sleep late every now and then?

9. Kan je frieten bakken in de ruimte?
Can you make French fries in space?

10. Hoe overleven jullie een half jaar in de ruimte; dan moet je toch veel te veel meepakken ?
How do you survive half a year in space, isn't there just too much to take with you?

11. Kun je de sterrenbeelden beter zien vanuit de ruimte dan van op aarde?
Can you see the signs of the zodiac better from there than from the earth?

12. Als je op reis gaat bv. naar Amerika dan moet je je klok aanpassen aan de tijdzones van dat werelddeel. Hoe zit dat dan in de ruimte met je uurwerk?
When you go to
America, you have to adjust your watch to the time-zones there. What do you do in space?

13. Doe je een pyjama aan als je gaat slapen in het ISS station?
Do you wear pyjamas in the ISS when you go to sleep?

14. Zien jullie de zon of is het daar donker ?
Do you see the sun or is it dark out there?

15. Heb je in de ruimte het gevoel zoals in een vliegtuig?
Do you have the same sensation in space as when you're in a plane?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.



Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS Chairman