International Space Station Expedition 18 ARISS school contact has been planned
with participants at Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesu,
The contact will be a direct contact between stations NA1SS and IK0USO. The
contact should be audible over
The school "Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesu" is a catholic primary
school in
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Why do you eat liquid food?
2. What does the moon look like from the space station?
3. How long are you staying on the ISS?
4. What do the stars look like from the space station?
5. What happens if you are ill?
6. Could a child stay on the ISS?
7. How is the daily life organized on board the space station?
8. Is it difficult to be an astronaut?
9. Why did you choose to become an astronaut?
10. Are you afraid of the space outside the ISS?
11. Could an animal stay on board the space station?
12. Is it possible to see the ozone hole from the ISS?
13. Is there a bathroom on board the space station?
14. What does the earth look like from above?
15. Have you ever met an alien?
16. Have you ever seen other planets? Which ones?
17. Is there a doctor with you?
18. What do you eat and drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
19. How do you drive the space station?
20. How do you move without gravity on board the ISS?
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and
CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.
Bertels, ON4WF