April 27, 2008


On Wednesday April 23nd 2008, the astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZØJPA, Shuttle STS-120 crew member, met Italian students in the “Aula Magna” of  Galileo Galilei” High School in Civitavecchia.

Schools attending the event were: “Galileo GalileiHigh School of Civitavecchia. (500 Student), “Guglielmo Marconi” High School of Civitavecchia (60 Students), “Giosuè Carducci” Secondary School from Santa Marinella (5 students). These schools were involved in recent ARISS events/contacts. Audience amounted to 565 students!

On Thursday  April 24nd 2008, astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZØJPA met Italian students in the “Aula Magna” of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of L’Aquila (400 students).

During the two events, after opening talks by the Principals of the High School and Faculty and by local authority representatives, the astronaut was presented to the students.

ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IKØWGF presented a detailed description of the ARISS “mission” (organisation and activities), supported by a view graph presentation, and Paolo Nespoli presented a description of the STS-120 and Esperia mission, supported by a splendid video that gives visibility to ARISS schools contacts also.

Some time was devoted to let the Nespoli answer questions from students.

Paolo Nespoli was offered gifts from every school involved.

Each event lasted more than two hours in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and sympathy.

Thank you Paolo Nespoli!

Several TV stations and newspapers covered the event.


Francesco De Paolis, IKØWGF

ARISS mentor


Galilei 1
Galilei 2
Galilei 3
Galilei 4
Galilei 5
Aquila 1
Aquila 2
Aquila 3