Elementary school Vladimir Nazor at Pazin is a school with more than 100 years tradition,
founded in 1890. It is one of the highest rated schools in this part of the
country, with more than 1500 pupils. Robotics, electronics and hamradio activities are more popular every day, with pupils
achieving awards in national competitions. Astronomy is one of the latest
after-school activities, which combined with existing ham radio activities
resulted in applying for the ISS school contact.
Marko Pernic, 9A8MM, the contact coordinator for this
ISS contact, set up the satellite radio station 9A7P in the school with
automatic antenna tracking as well as a vertical backup antenna. The audience
in the shack room was more than 100 people. The audio from this contact was broadcast
over EchoLink servers AMSAT and JK1ZRW.
Three national TV stations, three radio stations and five newspapers covered
the event.
Congratulations to the Pazin team!
Peter Kofler,
ARISS mentor
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Audio recording