Elementary school Vladimir Nazor at Pazin is a school with
more than hundred years tradition, founded in 1890. It
is one of the highest rated schools in this part of the country, with more than
1500 pupils. Robotics, electronics and hamradio
activities are more popular every day, with pupils achieving awards in national
competitions. Astronomy is one of the
latest after-school activities, which combined with existing ham radio
activities resulted in applying for the ISS school contact.
The contact will be a direct between Garret
Reisman, KE5HAE and 9A7P. The contact will start at approximately
Students will put as many of following
questions as time allows:
1. My name is Ante. When you were in
space for the first time, how old were you? OVER
2. My name is Teo. How long does it take from
Earth to ISS? OVER
3. My name is Katja. Were you afraid of going
4. My name is Edi. What is the most frightening in space? OVER
5. My name is Lea. Is any plant or vegetable planted in space? OVER
6. My name is Enzo. Do you have any animals
abroad ISS? OVER
7. My name is Ante. Have you seen any aliens? OVER
8.. My name is Teo. What do
you drink and eat? OVER
9. My name is Katja. Does food spoil faster or
slower? OVER
10.. My name is Edi. Is it boring in space sometimes? OVER
11. My name is Lea. Is there any space sport? OVER
12. My name is Enzo. Do you listen to any
radio or music? OVER
13. My name is Ante. Do you play any instruments on the station? OVER
14. My name is Teo. Do you play any social
games? OVER
15. My name is Katja. Is it hard getting used
to life in space? OVER
16. My name is Edi. How do you shower? OVER
17. My name is Lea. What thing do you miss the most in space? OVER
18. My name is Enzo. Which is the biggest
man-made building or construction in space? OVER
19. My name is Ante. Do you see satellites from ISS? OVER
20. My name is Teo. What is Space shuttle's
maximum speed? OVER
21. My name is Katja. What is the ISS fuel
consumption? OVER
22. My name is Edi. What do you think about ARISS school contacts? OVER
23. My name is Lea. Are your experiments dangerous? OVER
24. My name is Enzo. Did you ever see a vulcano eruption from space? OVER
The audio for this event will be fed
into the EchoLink *AMSAT* (101 377) and *JK1ZRW* (277
208) servers.
Please note that there are automatic
breaks in the EchoLink audio transmission every 2.5
minutes during the event and while we listen to preparations going on for this
contact. Each audio break is approximately 1 second long. Please
configure your systems to not time out during times of inactivity or ongoing
audio transmissions.
Gaston bertels, ON4WF
ARISS-Europe chairman