December 21, 2005




On Christmas day 25 December 2005 and on Monday 26 December, ARISS Russia and the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos/Energia, set up a special event called SPACE PATROL.


Several Cosmonauts, among whom Sergei Krikalev and Aleksandr Kaleri, will operate amateur radio from Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia as well as from GCTC, the Yuri Gagarin Russian Cosmonaut Training Centre.


On Christmas day Korolev club station R3K will be operational on HF at 12:00 UTC. Frequencies will probably be 7080KHz, 14180KHz and 21280KHz.


On Monday 26 December 2005, GCTC club station RK3DZB will possibly be operational same time, same frequencies.


Moreover, on Christmas day and on Monday 26, during the evening passes over Europe and Russia, RS0ISS will be operating phone on 145.990MHz simplex.


The times of the passes are:

25 December 2005: 20:56 UTC

26 December 2005: 19:47 UTC.


These times are valid for Moscow. Over western Europe, times will be about 10 minutes earlier.


A special SPACE PATROL award will be available. Details will be published later.


Good luck on working Cosmonauts on VHF and on HF!






The ARISS L/S-band antennas for Columbus will be delivered to EADS, Bremen in the next few days. Installation will be done in January 2006.


The Columbus working group is making progress on the project for Ham equipment onboard Columbus. Minutes of the meetings per teleconference are available on the Columbus page of the ARISS-Europe website







Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS-Europe chairman