MONTAUD is located 16 kilometers northwest of
The village is located in the north of the VERCORS
wildland, the main place of the French Resistance during the second
world war. This mountainous region culminates at 1600 meters. To the
south of Montaud, the horizon is hidden by the hills and hampers radio contacts
with satellites. Therefore, the groundstation for the ARISS radio contact has
been that of ham operator Guy F5GJJ. Guy is active on ham satellites since many
years. His station is located in a favourable area five kilometers from the
village. For the ARISS contact, an ATV and radio link had been set up between
his station and the school. 35 hams worked together efficiently to make this
event a success.
The village school has 65 pupils,
The ARISS contact was a success. When Mike Fincke had answered
the questions, Guy explained the set up with the ATV link to the school. Mike was
impressed and sent his congratulations to the ground team, adding a few words
in French.
In the village, teachers, parents and media were
delighted. A memorable day for the youngsters of
On behalf of Montaud: “ Merci Mike ! ”
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF