Sunday morning
They belonged to three
educational institutions:
- Saltoschool Hanevoet
(primary school)
- Sint Joriscollege (secundary school)
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (university).
In the main hall of the University, located in a
nearby building, the audience could participate to the event presented on
several big TV screens.
Upon enquiry at ESA’s ground control, it appeared that
astronaut Andre Kuipers had been busy with an experiment he could not finish in
time for the ARISS contact.
It was decided to reschedule the TUE contact for the
next pass, at
When PI4TUE started calling again the tension was
hardly bearable. But here he was!! Andre Kuipers came back loud and clear and
answered 20 questions under excellent conditions. Although this was a mere 19
degrees pass, with the ISS cruising over southern
Quite an experience for the youngsters as
well as for the PI4TUE team. The TUE Radio Club had done an excellent job from the technical point
of vue, setting up the radioroom right under the tracking antennas on top of
the 80m high building, with ATV and webcast all over the country.
ARISS-Europe chairman